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22 10 2024


In spite of Russia’s promise of a $2-billion credit, the Belarusian National Bank has asked the International Monetary Fund for a loan in the same amount. An International Monetary Fund mission is to visit Belarus from October 27 to November 6 to examine the country's request for a credit, the Fund's office in Minsk said on Thursday.  [24-10 16:24]

Politics. No Opposition in Council of the Republic No Opposition in Council of the Republic

The Council of the Republic of the third convocation had its last sitting in Minsk this week. What are the main results it has achieved and who is going to take over? The first sitting of the new parliament is scheduled for 31 October. [24-10 16:27]

Economics. Belarusian Companies Unlikely To Make IPOs Till 2011

One should not expect IPOs from Belarusian state companies within a year or two, because it would be impossible to have an adequate market value due to the global financial crisis, Lucas Romriell, Global Head of Equities at Galt &Taggart Securities, told reporters on Tuesday. [24-10 16:26]

Society. Tour operator recovered £65,000 from ex-empoyee

Business Services International UK Ltd. (BSIUK) has been successful in its legal action against former employee Elena Bogoslovskaya and her company Collection-Consulting Ltd. [12-03 11:55]

Culture. Holocaust Monument Unveiled In Minsk Holocaust Monument Unveiled In Minsk

Survivors of Minsk's World War II ghetto, where more than 100,000 Jews were killed, joined a procession Tuesday to mark the 65th anniversary of its destruction. [24-10 16:30]

CIS. Did West Pull Up Stakes Too Soon? Did West Pull Up Stakes Too Soon?

Two years ago, Viktor Yushchenko was hailed as a conquering hero in many Western capitals. The United States Congress, hosting the newly appointed Ukrainian president in April 2005, welcomed his arrival with boisterous enthusiasm, chanting his name and cheering as he thanked "the entire American nation" for its support. [13-04 20:14]

Tour operator recovered £65,000 from ex-empoyee

Business Services International UK Ltd. (BSIUK) has been successful in its …

Holocaust Monument Unveiled In MinskHolocaust Monument Unveiled In Minsk

Survivors of Minsk's World War II ghetto, where more than 100,000 Jews were …

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Arrives In MinskRussian Orthodox Patriarch Arrives In Minsk

Patriarch Alexy II arrived in Minsk on 23 October on a three-day visit. The …

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