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Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens from all over the country came to Minsk on the eve of New Year. [Press for large view] Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view] Kids enjoyed the show. [Press for large view]
Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view] Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens from all over the country came to Minsk on the eve of New Year. [Press for large view] Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view]
Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view] Santa Clauses Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view]
Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view] Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view] Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view]
Participant(s) of the «Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens» march. [Press for large view] Main Santa Claus and Snow Maiden came to the show in a luxurious car. [Press for large view] Santa Clauses
Main Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. [Press for large view] The march of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens attracted a lot of people. [Press for large view] The salute in the honor of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens. [Press for large view]
The best Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens were given prizes. [Press for large view] Kids enjoyed the show. [Press for large view] Participants of the theatrical show. [Press for large view]
The march of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens along Minsk streets to the main Christmas tree on Oktiabrskaya Square was held on 26 December.
28 December 2004

Director of the National Art Museum Prokoptsov introduced the artists who participated in the art project. [Press for large view] Supervisor of the art project Winter Festivals Tatiana Bembel is making a tour of the exhibition. [Press for large view] O. Klimanovich, corporate relations coordinator of British American Tobacco. [Press for large view]
The mummers helped to recreate the medieval atmosphere. [Press for large view] Visitors of the exhibition. [Press for large view] Analogies. [Press for large view]
Director of the National Art Museum V. Prokoptsov. [Press for large view] Art expert, supervisor of the art project Winter Festivals Tatiana Bembel surrounded by the artists who presented their works at the exhibition. [Press for large view] The music band Stary Olsa (Old Olsa) was playing at the opening of the exhibition. [Press for large view]
Irina Afanasieva was spotted at the exhibition. [Press for large view] Dolls were especially popular among the visitors of the exhibition. [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the art project ended with dances to medieval music. [Press for large view]
The new modern project Winter Festivals was presented at the National Art Museum on 20 December. The project was initiated by the National Art Museum and British American Tobacco Company.
22 December 2004

Journalists were the first visitors of the renovated shop with a new range of goods. [Press for large view] The renovated shop Milavitsa in Varvashenya Street. [Press for large view] Journalists were the first visitors of the renovated shop with a new range of goods. [Press for large view]
Dmitry Dichkovsky, General Director of the joint venture Milavitsa. [Press for large view] Sergey Kusonsky, First Deputy Director of the joint venture Milavitsa. [Press for large view] The management of Milavitsa Company. [Press for large view]
The renovated shop Milavitsa in Varvashenya Street. [Press for large view] Dmitry Dichkovsky, General Director of the joint venture Milavitsa, started the opening ceremony. [Press for large view] Dmitry Dichkovsky, General Director of the joint venture Milavitsa. [Press for large view]
The ceremonial opening of the company shop Milavitsa and the press conference where the Milavitsa management answered journalists' questions about the new customer service system took place on 16 December.
17 December 2004

Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view] Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view] Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view]
Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view] Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view] Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view]
Minsk held an action to observe the day of the Human Rights Declaration. [Press for large view] Minsk held an action to observe the day of the Human Rights Declaration. [Press for large view] Minsk held an action to observe the day of the Human Rights Declaration. [Press for large view]
Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view] Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view] Participants of the 10 November action in Minsk. [Press for large view]
The action upholding the rights of the Belarusian people for decent life and free choice was held on 10 November at Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk on the day of adopting the Declaration on Human Rights. Representatives of political parties and Belarusian organizations took part in the action.
14 December 2004

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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