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«Loshitsky Fest» gathered a great number of  visitors. [Press for large view] The performance of musical and theatrical children groups. [Press for large view] The knights
A lot of visitors were very interested in dancing to a medieval tune in the dresses of Grand Duchy of Lithuania epoch. [Press for large view] Looking at the knights, it was quite easy to be inspired by spirit of medieval battles. [Press for large view] In the framework of the festival the concert of medieval music group «Stary Olsa» was held. [Press for large view]
On May 30 historical and ethnographical festival  took place in Loshitsky Park.
31 May 2004

Matvey Basov, the author of exhibition.  [Press for large view] A small room could hardly admit all the visitors. [Press for large view] Some visitors were lucky to get an autograph from the favorite artist.  [Press for large view]
On May 26 the opening of Matvey Basov's exhibition "Three thousand years ago" took place in M-Gallery.
27 May 2004

Alexey Ivanov [Press for large view] The visitirs of the exhibition were amaezed by similarity of the real buildings with the picture images. [Press for large view] The visitors of the exhibition were welcomed by Viacheslav Inosemzev. [Press for large view]
On May 19 the opening of young artist Alexey Ivanov's exhibition "Forbidden city" (Zapretny gorod) took place in gallery "Onik".
21 May 2004

The amateur ensemble The visitors were welcomed by a soldiers troop dressed in tsarist  [Press for large view] Deputy Culture Minister of Belarus Gedroits Valery Konstantinovich and  [Press for large view]
On May 18 the solemn opening of the Belarusian National Museum of
History and Culture's new building was held.
20 May 2004

Vladimir Tsesler [Press for large view] Sergej Voichenko  [Press for large view] The exhibition opening was accompanied by Pit Pavlov and Oleg Demidovich
On May 13 the opening of Vladimir Tsesler and Sergej Voichenko's joint exhibition "Art in a bag" (Art v meshke) was held in the Museum of Modern Fine Arts.
15 May 2004

Visitors of  Honda company stand were welcomed by girls in national costumes. [Press for large view] Even a child can imagine himself as an owner of a new expensive car. [Press for large view] «Order is above all» [Press for large view]
Automobile exhibition "Motor show" will be held on May 4-9  in the sports and entertainment complex "Manezh".
6 May 2004

Sergej Vasilkovan, the director of The Beatles Cafe [Press for large view] Oleg Kopenkov, the chairman of  the Belarusian guitarists club. [Press for large view] Ilya Shivchik, Mojo Blues group leader [Press for large view]
A press conference devoted to the First International Festival of  the Beatles' music was held on May 3 in the Beatles Cafe. The festival will take place in Minsk in the open area of the exhibition complex "BELEXPO" (14, Masherova ave.) on May,15.
4 May 2004

The Belarusian TV gained visitor A wide range of publishing production such as «Razvlechenija i Otdih segodnya», «Zeny i Tovary Segodnja», «Mebel i Interjer Segodnya» magazines and «Belarus Today» newspaper was presented on the stand of the private unitary company «Magic». [Press for large view] The exebition was opened by Belarusian Minister of Information V.V.Rusakevich, Deputy Head of the President
On May 4 the "Mass Media of Belarus" exhibition opening ceremony was held in the National exhibition center "BELEXPO".
4 May 2004

Konstantin gives autographs to his fans. [Press for large view] Alexandra is among her fans. [Press for large view] A crowd of fans gathered on the platform. [Press for large view]
Alexandra and Konstantin are at the train doors. Alexandra holds a box with wishes from her fans.  [Press for large view] «Have a nice journey! Come back with victory!», thundered out the crowd. [Press for large view] The last glance at the fans. [Press for large view]
On May 3 Belarus saw off  the "Alexandra And Konstantin" Dou to the Eurovision Song Contest in Turkey.
4 May 2004

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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