On May 30 historical and ethnographical festival took place in Loshitsky Park.
31 May 2004
On May 26 the opening of Matvey Basov's exhibition "Three thousand years ago" took place in M-Gallery.
27 May 2004
On May 19 the opening of young artist Alexey Ivanov's exhibition "Forbidden city" (Zapretny gorod) took place in gallery "Onik".
21 May 2004
On May 18 the solemn opening of the Belarusian National Museum of History and Culture's new building was held.
20 May 2004
On May 13 the opening of Vladimir Tsesler and Sergej Voichenko's joint exhibition "Art in a bag" (Art v meshke) was held in the Museum of Modern Fine Arts.
15 May 2004
Automobile exhibition "Motor show" will be held on May 4-9 in the sports and entertainment complex "Manezh".
6 May 2004
A press conference devoted to the First International Festival of the Beatles' music was held on May 3 in the Beatles Cafe. The festival will take place in Minsk in the open area of the exhibition complex "BELEXPO" (14, Masherova ave.) on May,15.
4 May 2004
On May 4 the "Mass Media of Belarus" exhibition opening ceremony was held in the National exhibition center "BELEXPO".
4 May 2004
On May 3 Belarus saw off the "Alexandra And Konstantin" Dou to the Eurovision Song Contest in Turkey.