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Michail Borozna [Press for large view] The exhibition attracted a lot of visitors [Press for large view] The visitors are sharing their impressions on the exhibition [Press for large view]
On 29 June Mikhail Borozna's exhibition "Waiting Room" was opened in 'M-Gallery'
30 June 2004

The group Drum Ecstasy on the stage [Press for large view] The performance of the group Chuk and Gek [Press for large view] «Congratulations, dear friends» [Press for large view]
On 27 June there was a big concert devoted to the Youth Day. The concert was held on the Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk
28 June 2004

Art expert Tatiana Bembel is delighted with the exhibited pictures [Press for large view] Artists Valery Pesin and Alexander Zabavchik [Press for large view] Grigory Nesterov is sharing some secrets of his painting technique [Press for large view]
On 25 June the exhibition "Beauty and Strength" was opened in Minsk Region Center of Folk Crafts.
26 June 2004

A scene from the play «Do you remember, Aleosha...» [Press for large view] The theatre was full [Press for large view] The war veterans were presented flowers after the performance [Press for large view]
On 24 June the Drama theatre of the Belarusian Army opened its season with the play "Do you remember, Aleosha..." in the Central Officers' Palace.
26 June 2004

The film Opera Phantom was shown in the framework of Music Festival [Press for large view] Gabriel Tibodo, conductor of the orchestra Karl Stamits and Tatiana Gavrilova, a singer of the Belarusian Opera Theatre [Press for large view] French Ambassador to Belarus Stefan Chmelewsky closed the 23rd Music Festival [Press for large view]
The closing of the annual Music Festival, organized by the French Minister of Culture, took place on 23 June.
25 June 2004

The performance of solo juggler Ekaterina Ignatova [Press for large view] The performing bears - Vadim Badun [Press for large view] Rhine wheel - Dmitry Barashkov [Press for large view]
Tatiana Bondarchuk's presentation "Devotion" was held in the Belarusian State Circus on 16 June.
23 June 2004

The young generation seems to be the most interested in the exhibition [Press for large view] The visitors were delighted [Press for large view] Some older visitors spotted their acquaintances on the pictures [Press for large view]
The exhibition "Vasily Bykov's Pictures" was opened in the gallery of the European Humanities University on 19 June.
22 June 2004

French Ambassador to Belarus Stephan Chmelewsky delivered a speech at the opening of the exhibition [Press for large view] There were lots of disputes about the creative work of the famous Frenchwoman [Press for large view] There aren
On 17 June the French embassy in Belarus, the art gallery "Planet of People" and the National Art Museum opened the exhibition "George Sand and her epoch".
21 June 2004

The groups Svet and Moriachky performed during the performance [Press for large view] Jeff (an American who lives in Hungary) [Press for large view] Igor Voroshkevich and Sergey Trukhanovich [Press for large view]
On 8 June the rock-and-roll club and music cafe Graffiti celebrated its fifth anniversary! The celebration was organized on 11 June.
14 June 2004

Tatiana N. Bondarchuk, the director and art director of the Belarusian State Circus [Press for large view] The cast of the new program attended the press conference [Press for large view] Serge Bondarchuk, the author of the illusionist trick [Press for large view]
On 9 June there was a press conference concerning the new program Devotion, staged by the Belarusian State Circus.
10 June 2004

Andrey Vatsura [Press for large view] Dmitry Surinivich turned up at the opening of the exhibition [Press for large view] The visitors of the exhibition enjoyed the pictures painted in an unusual manner [Press for large view]
Andrey Vatsura's exhibition of art and graphic was opened in the gallery Onix in 7 June.
9 June 2004

Evgeny Rachkovsky [Press for large view] The chairman of  the artists -stage masters of the Artiststs Union Vladimir Fedorovich Chernyshev congratulated Evgeny Rachkovsky on the personal exhibition opening. [Press for large view] Looking at small scenery models the visitors could imagine the performance. [Press for large view]
On June 2 the opening of the State puppet theatre chief artist Evgeny Rachkovsky's jubilee exhibition took place in the branch of the Theatre History and Musiacal Culture State Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
3 June 2004

The performance of the children Alexey Khlystov sang with a little girl in duet. [Press for large view] The partisipants of the Eurovision song Contest 2004 duet «Alexadra and Konstantin» were singing at the concert. [Press for large view]
Singer Vlada [Press for large view] Kirill Sluka sang his famous composition Belorussia. [Press for large view] Inna Afanasjeva sang at the end of the concert. [Press for large view]
On June 1 the charity concert devoted to the Day of Children Protection took place in the Belarusian State Circus.
2 June 2004

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk


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