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Photo-Exhibition Belarus-Poland

Photo-Exhibition Belarus-Poland. 15 Years Closer Opens In Gdansk
A photo-exhibition Belarus-Poland. 15 Years Closer marking the 15th anniversary of the work of the Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus to Gdansk opened in the library of University of Gdansk on February 5. The exhibition, opened by Consul General of Belarus to Gdansk Ruslan Esin, will last till February 23.
Attending the opening ceremony were representatives of the Pomorskie wojewodztwo, the authorities of Wejherowo headed by president Krzysztof Hildebrandt, the diplomatic corps accredited in Gdansk, University of Gdansk professors and students and the Belarusian diaspora.
The exhibition will present materials from the achieves of the Belarusian embassy to Poland, the Consulate General to Gdansk, the Belarusian News Agency (BelTA) and the works of Belarusian photographer Sergei Plytkevich, Polish press-photographers.
In his speech, Rector of University of Gdansk Andrzej Ceynowa underlined that the leading university of the Pomorskie wojewodztwo has closely cooperated with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno since 1990. The two universities teach Belarusian and Polish, exchange groups of professors and students, implement joint scientific projects.
In an interview with BelTA General Consul of Belarus to Gdansk Ruslan Esin said that the opening of the exhibition is an important event in the Belarusian-Polish regional cooperation. “It attests to the friendly neighboring policy of Belarus towards Poland. Regional contacts are important element of the bilateral and bring concrete results,” the diploma said. Thus, a set of signed documents includes cooperation agreements between the Mogilev oblast and Kujawsko-Pomorskie province (2005), Gomel oblast and Lubuskie province (2007). Twin-town relations have been established between Lida and Koszalin, Vitebsk and Zielona Gora, Mogilev and Wloclawek, Mozyr and Chojnice. An impetus to the development of economic contacts was given by the first Belarusian-Pomorskie business-meeting in May 2007 in Wejherowo.
Belarus has held other cultural events in the Pomorskie province. These were an exhibition of the works of Belarusian artist Vasil Sharangovich dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Yakub Kolas and Yanka Kupala in Wejherowo and an exhibition of Marc Chagall works in Gdansk from the Vitebsk museum of the artist.

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