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Elena Yurieva [Press for large view] A young artist, a tube of paint in his hands, is learning from the master [Press for large view] Andrei Smaliak was sighted among the visitors at the exhibition [Press for large view]
On 14 July Elena Yurieva's personal exhibition "Dream Journey" was opened at the art gallery "Mastatstva"
15 July 2004

The demonstration performance of the participants of the First Belarusian Public Festival «Vynos» [Press for large view] No age limits for cycle racing participants [Press for large view] The demonstration performance of the participants of the First Belarusian Public Festival «Vynos» [Press for large view]
The demonstration performance: rear wheeled jump over a person [Press for large view] The audience was impressed with professional skillful bicycling [Press for large view] Mass start: cross-country [Press for large view]
An amazing «ski jump» [Press for large view] The hardest stage of the cross-country route [Press for large view] The participants of the First Belarusian Public Festival «Vynos» [Press for large view]
At the festival bicyclists didn At one of the stages of the cross-country route [Press for large view] Aerobatic cycling on one wheel [Press for large view]
On 11 July the First Belarusian Public Festival "Vynos" was held at the mountain-ski resort "Alpine snow".
12 July 2004

Nikolai Pashinsky - Head of the Culture Department of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee [Press for large view] Vladimir Matveichuk - Chairman of the Belarusian National TV and Radio Company [Press for large view] Valentin Dudkevich - Director, Art Manager of the Belarusian State Dance Ensemble  [Press for large view]
Petre Uzhik - Deputy Head of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee [Press for large view] Leonid Guliako - Belarusian Minister of Culture [Press for large view] Radion Bass -- Director of the International Art Festival «Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk» [Press for large view]
On 8 July the press conference concerning the opening of XIII International Art Festival "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" was held at the Belarusian National Press Center.
9 July 2004

The presenter of the 1st non-profitable International championship of athletes Vladimir Turchinsky [Press for large view] Vladimir Zinkevich in the contest «Iron Suitcases» [Press for large view] The cheer-leaders were entertaining the numerous audience during the breaks between the athlete contests. [Press for large view]
Igor Salomonov in the contest «Lifting a Volga car» [Press for large view] The colleagues give advice before the contest «Pulling the truck». [Press for large view] Igor Salomonov in the contest «Pulling the truck». [Press for large view]
On 4 July the non-profitable international championship of athletes "Belarusian Athlete 2004" took place at the stadium of the military regiment 3214 in Uruchie.
6 July 2004

On the Bangolor square everybody could see military equipment and soldiers dresses in the military uniform of the Great Patriotic War [Press for large view] Schoolchildren met the war veterans with flowers [Press for large view] Some war veterans wouldn
Little soldier [Press for large view] Everybody could get acquainted with the weapons of the Great Patriotic War [Press for large view] In spite of crowded streets and squares there was enough place for everyone. [Press for large view]
In the evening some people wished to have a swim in the Svisloch River [Press for large view] Children were delighted [Press for large view] The theatrical pavilions were overcrowded [Press for large view]
Karianna and Nils on the stage [Press for large view] The city should be clean during the festivities [Press for large view] The festive salute in honor of the 60ies anniversary of the Belarus liberation over the city [Press for large view]
On 3 July Belarus celebrated the Liberation Day from the German-fascist occupation. The festivities were organized in all district of the city.
5 July 2004

Leonid I. Schmelev [Press for large view] Schmelev The Schmelev family at the opening of the exhibition [Press for large view]
On 1 July the exhibition "Memory" was opened in the gallery "The art works of Schmelev". The exhibition is devoted to the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus.
3 July 2004

The Belarusian Thai boxing team [Press for large view] The Belarusian coaching team (left) and the US coaching team (right) [Press for large view] The wrestler is performing a ritual dance to thank his teachers, the spirits of his ancestors and gods before the round [Press for large view]
Andrey Kulibin (red shorts) and Raul Lopez (blue shorts) [Press for large view] Raul Lopez (WKN world champion) is a serious opponent [Press for large view] Andrey Kulibin won [Press for large view]
Andrey Talantov (red shorts) and Patrick Karta (blue shorts), close-in fighting [Press for large view] Andrey Kotsur (red shorts) and Dan Rallings (blue shorts), a dangerous blow [Press for large view] Andrey Ustinov won Jeffrey Ford in the first round [Press for large view]
The doctors help Patrick Karta [Press for large view] «Iron Embraces» [Press for large view] Jeremy Harminston after Dennis Laevsky
On 1 July the professional match with Thai boxing stars was held in the Sports Palace. The Belarusian team won 4 to 0.
2 July 2004

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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