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The first selection round has greatly reduced the number of participants [Press for large view] The press has not remitted its attention to the participants at the second selection round [Press for large view] The instruction of the participants [Press for large view]
Ivan Urgan, presenter of the TV show «People Fekla Tolstaya with Oksana Kotova who passed two selection rounds [Press for large view] Fekla Tolstaya, presenter of the TV show «People
Valeria Koziukova passed two selection rounds [Press for large view] Oksana Kotova passed two selection rounds [Press for large view] Vera Karetnikova, the winner of the contest «Spring Queen-2004», passed two selection rounds [Press for large view]
On 20 August the final selection round of TV show "People's Artist" took place in Belarus.
23 August 2004

The square before the Youth Palace was crowded with those who wanted to take part in the casting of the TV show «People The press attended the casting [Press for large view] The registration of the participants [Press for large view]
Rehearsals haven Registration forms were filled in right on the pavement [Press for large view] A participant who passed the first selection round [Press for large view]
The participants are waiting for audition [Press for large view] Presenters of the TV project «People A participant of the casting [Press for large view]
On 19 August, the first selection round of the TV project "People's Artist" took place in the Youth Palace.
19 August 2004

Starting an airplane [Press for large view] The show was interesting both for the young and old people [Press for large view] When I grow up, I will be a pilot [Press for large view]
The Second World War-time airplane [Press for large view] Visitors were interested in the exhibited aerotechnics [Press for large view] The Air Force and Air Defense orchestra was playing at the show [Press for large view]
The show attracted many visitors [Press for large view] The show program included parachuting performance [Press for large view] The airplanes can be seen not only on the ground but also in the air [Press for large view]
Parents imbibe into their children a taste for aviation [Press for large view] The airplane in the air [Press for large view] Visitors were interested in the exhibited aerotechnics [Press for large view]
On 15 August the 70th anniversary of the Central Airclub named after S.I. Gritsevets was celebrated at the airfield near Borovaya village.
17 August 2004

Everybody could practice archery [Press for large view] Everybody could take a brief history tour of Novogrudok [Press for large view] Sand sculpture [Press for large view]
The Novogrudok castle in the 21 century [Press for large view] Perhaps, people were also so cheerful many centuries ago [Press for large view] The castle mount - view from above [Press for large view]
Participants of the festival «Novogrudok Castle» [Press for large view] Participants of the festival «Novogrudok Castle» [Press for large view] Participants of the festival «Novogrudok Castle» [Press for large view]
Dancing to medieval music [Press for large view] Watching the knights tournament [Press for large view] A modern city with the medieval flavor [Press for large view]
Knights tournament [Press for large view] Knights tournament [Press for large view] Knights tournament [Press for large view]
A knight Knights tournament [Press for large view] Knights tournament [Press for large view]
Knights after the tournament [Press for large view] Watching the knights tournament [Press for large view] Performance of medieval music [Press for large view]
The medieval culture festival "Novogrudok Castle" was held in Novogrudok on 14-15 August.
16 August 2004

The author of the exhibition - Elena Baranovskaya [Press for large view] The visitors of the exhibition were interested in the original painting technique [Press for large view] Painter Fedor Yastreb was seen at the exhibition [Press for large view]
On 10 August Elena Baranovskaya's personal art exhibition was opened in the gallery "Mastatstva".
11 August 2004

The author of the exhibition - Elena Shkaeva [Press for large view] Elena Shkaeva is giving an interview to the journalists of Minsk TV channel [Press for large view] Visitors of Elena Shkaeva
On 10 August Elena Shkaeva's photo-exhibition "Nature is more alive than morte" was opened in the Museum of Modern Arts.
11 August 2004

The festival «Open Sky» attracted the audience from all parts of Belarus [Press for large view] The rock group «kVINT» is on the stage [Press for large view] The audience was delighted [Press for large view]
At the rock festival «Open Sky» the performers went all out [Press for large view] Alexander Evdokimov, the group «kVINT» [Press for large view] «Rock-n-roll for ever» [Press for large view]
The performance of the group «Chivs» (Brest) [Press for large view] Rock is not only for men [Press for large view] Ilia Davydov - the group «kVINT» [Press for large view]
The performance of the group «Angels» (the joint Warsaw-Moscow-Minsk project) [Press for large view] The vocalist of the group «Chivs» at the rock festival «Open Sky» [Press for large view] The group «Zigzag» is on the stage [Press for large view]
On 8 August the first youth rock festival "Open Sky" was held at Fanipol near Minsk.
10 August 2004


Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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