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Svetlana Nemtsova, the winner of the title Lady Charm. [Press for large view] The presenter of the Contest Lady Belarus Olga Gharbuz. [Press for large view] Olga Barabanschikova, the winner of the title Lady Belarus. [Press for large view]
Olga Mikhailovskaya, the winner of the title Vice Lady Belarus. [Press for large view] Anna Korvel, the winner of the title Lady Ovation. [Press for large view] Leonid Agutin
Olga Ryboklucheva, the winner of the title Lady Inspiration. [Press for large view] Natalia Kirilenko, the winner of the title Lady Feminity. [Press for large view] Yulia Vecherskaya, the winner of the title Lady Elegance. [Press for large view]
Yulia Vecherskaya, the winner of the title Lady Elegance. [Press for large view] Elena Zhdanovich, the winner of the title Lady Style. [Press for large view] Svetlana Nemtsova, the winner of the title Lady Charm. [Press for large view]
Lady Belarus Olga Barabanschikova and Vice Lady Belarus Olga Mikhailovskaya. [Press for large view] Lady Belarus Olga Barabanschikova. [Press for large view] Lady Belarus Olga Barabanschikova. [Press for large view]
The festival of the feminine beauty Lady White Russia was held in Minsk on 24 November. Ten women who have already achieved a success in their life took part in the final stage of the contest. Olga Barabanschikova won the title Lady Belarus.
30 November 2004

The opening ceremony of the world championship on Latin American sports dancing among formation teams. [Press for large view] The Belarusian team at the opening ceremony of the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Polish team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view]
The performance of the British team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Austrian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Belarusian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view]
The performance of the Ukrainian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Hungarian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Dutch team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view]
The performance of the Ukrainian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Russian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Belarusian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view]
The performance of the Belarusian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Lithuanian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The performance of the Hungarian team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view]
The performance of the German team at the world champion of sports dancing. [Press for large view] Belarusian Deputy Sports Minister Zaburianova is awarding the Belarusian team that held the 7th place at the world championship of sports dancing. [Press for large view] A bronze winner, a dancer from the German team. [Press for large view]
The coach of the Lithuanian team that held the first place at the world championship of sports dancing. [Press for large view] The Lithuanian team, the gold winners. [Press for large view] The salute to congratulate the winners. [Press for large view]
The world championship of Latin American sports dancing among the formation teams was held in the Palace of Sports in Minsk on 27 November.
29 November 2004


Evgeny Kryzhanovsky took part in the charity action Children Belarusian show-business stars took part in the charity action Children Belarusian show-business stars took part in the charity action Children
Belarusian sportsmen took part in the Children Belarusian Olympic athletes took part in the Children Belarusian Olympic athletes took part in the Children
The first Children Alexander Solodukha took part in the charity action Children Aleksey Khlestakov took part in the charity action Children
Larissa Gribaleva took part in the charity action Children Belarusian show-business stars took part in the charity action Children The first Children
The charity action "The Children's Day in MacDonald's with the support of the United Nations Organization is held on 20 November for the 3rd year. On this day, MacDonald's restaurants are raising funds for local children's organizations all over the world.
In Belarus all funds, raised on this day from selling French fries and symbolic palms "I've helped the children" form 13 to 20 November, will be sent to the 3rd Children's Clinical Hospital in Minsk for purchasing necessary medical equipment.
20 November isn't a random choice for holding the action. Fifteen years ago, the United Nations accepted the Convention on Children's rights on 20 November 1989.
19 November 2004

Make up class by Erik Indikov [Press for large view] Make up class by Erik Indikov [Press for large view] Make up class by Erik Indikov [Press for large view]
Make up class by Erik Indikov [Press for large view] Make up class by Erik Indikov [Press for large view] Chanel top visagiste in Russia,international master, Erik Indikov. [Press for large view]
International master Erik Indikov, Chanel bestvisagiste in Russia, gave a make up class in the perfume shop Zvezda on 16 November.
16 November 2004

The 6th International Exhibition «Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security». [Press for large view] The 6th International Exhibition «Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security». [Press for large view] The 6th International Exhibition «Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security». [Press for large view]
The 6th International Exhibition «Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security». [Press for large view] The 6th International Exhibition «Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security». [Press for large view] The 6th International Exhibition «Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security». [Press for large view]
The 6th International Exhibition "Perspective Technologies and Systems: Information, Telecommunication, Security" is open at the National Exhibition Center BelExpo from 9 to 12 November.
11 November 2004

The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view] The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view] The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view]
The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view] The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view] The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view]
The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view] The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view] The ceremony of laying flowers to Lenin monument. [Press for large view]
On Sunday morning, 7 November, Belarusian communists met on the Independence Square to lay flowers to the monument of communist leader Vladimir Lenin to mark another anniversary of the October Revolution.
8 November 2004

Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view] Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view] Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view]
Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view] Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view] Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view]
Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view] Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view] Participants of the trade unions demonstration. [Press for large view]
The demonstration of Belarusian trade unions was staged 4 November on Vaneeva Square. The demonstration was held under the slogan? Say NO to the slavery  trade union legislation!
5 November 2004

The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view]
The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view]
The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view]
The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view] The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave [Press for large view]
The opening ceremony of the grave stone at Vasil Bykov’s grave was held 2 November at the Eastern (Moscow) cemetery in Minsk
3 November 2004

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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