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Did West Pull Up Stakes Too Soon?

Two years ago, Viktor Yushchenko was hailed as a conquering hero in many Western capitals. The United States Congress, hosting the newly appointed Ukrainian president in April 2005, welcomed his arrival with boisterous enthusiasm, chanting his name and cheering as he thanked "the entire American nation" for its support. [13–04 20:14]

Kadyrov Takes Control in Chechnya

Ramzan Kadyrov was sworn in as president of Chechnya on Thursday in a star-studded ceremony here. Kristina Orbakaite and Nikolai Baskov were among the celebrities in attendance at the lavish inauguration.  [06–04 21:33]

Belarus, Azerbaijan Mull Joint Oil Extraction Projects

Belarus and Azerbaijan consider joint projects to produce oil in Azerbaijan, a source close to the government told Prime-Tass. [20–03 0:37]

Ukraine Becomes Belarus’ Priority Amid Rows With Russia

Ukraine is becoming one of Belarus’ foreign priorities because of the recent energy problems with Russia, reads the release of the information and analytical center with the Presidential Administration prepared for the public information day.  [20–02 22:48]

Media Situation Worsening In Asia, Russia, Azerbaijan

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) says that 2006 was the deadliest year for journalists in more than decade. The death toll was the highest since 1994, a year of conflicts in Rwanda, Algeria, and the former Yugoslavia.  [05–02 22:12]

The Duel Of Two Presidents

The Russian-Belarusian conflict has spoilt Russia’s image in Europe as a reliable supplier of energy resources. Trying to save the situation, Putin stated about having to make Russia less dependant on transit countries.  [29–01 19:10]

Sugar Comes Next After Gas

The customs clearance of Belarusian sugar heading for Russia was suspended on December 29, Ivan Danchenko, head of the Belarusian State Food Industry Concern (Belgospishcheprom.  [10–01 21:44]

Yeltsin: No Regret Over CIS Deal That Buried USSR.

Russia's ex-President Boris Yeltsin said he still believed the CIS was the only option to replace the Soviet Union, which was about to collapse, although he felt nostalgic about Soviet times, a paper reported Thursday.  [12–12 23:23]

Russia To Lift Ban On Imports Of Meat And Wine From Moldova

Russia is lifting its ban on Moldovan wine and meat products, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday after talks with the president of Moldova.The move appeared to be aimed at easing Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization, which Moscow hopes to join next year. [06–12 21:22]

CIS Summit In Minsk Discusses CIS Reform

Despite the resounding statements about several presidents not coming to the CIS Heads of State summit in Minsk, the National Airport Minsk has received all 12 governmental airplanes. However, the President of Turkmenistan did not find it possible to participate in the summit and sent his Vice President instead.  [04–12 0:50]

Azerbaijani President Completes Visit To Belarus

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, completed his two-day state visit to Belarus on October 18. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev on October 17 signed a bilateral accord on social and economic cooperation until 2015.  [25–10 23:35]

RussiaDenies Ordering Curbs On Belarus Commodities

The Russian Economic Development Ministry has denied the charge that it had secretly ordered Russian regional authorities to reduce imports from Belarus over alleged restrictions on Russian exports in the Belarusian market, Belapan reported on October 16, quoting the ministry's press service.  [25–10 0:33]

Северсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной сталиСеверсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной стали

На Череповецком металлургическом комбинате, одном из  крупнейших заводов …

Белорусы осваивают новые виды бизнесаБелорусы осваивают новые виды бизнеса

В Боровлянах открылась гостиница для собак. Это достаточно новый вид бизнеса …

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