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Participants of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view] Participants of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view] Sergey Kukhto, General Producer of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view]
Participants of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view] Olga Plotnikova, a participant of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view] Duo Alexandra & Konstantin, participants of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view]
Olga Plotnikova, a participant of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view] Duo Alexandra & Konstantin, participants of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view] Alexander Solodukha, a participant of the national pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe [Press for large view]
The shooting of the pop-chart At the Crossroads of Europe took place 28 March at a popular club in Minsk. Belarusian famous singers, Aleksey Khlestov, Alexander Solodukha, Olga Plotnikova, the duo Alexandra & Konstantin were guests of the program. The program At the Crossroads of Europe is expected to become a nation-wide project with touring around Belarusian cities.
29 March 2005


The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view]
The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view]
The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view]
The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view]
The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view]
The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view] The political action Revolution in Minsk on 25 March [Press for large view]
The political action "Revolution" took place in the center of Minsk at Oktiabrskaya Square on 25 March
28 March 2005

The social action Women The social action Women The social action Women
The social action Women Victor Voitul, Director of the Belarusian Club of Driving Tourism, organizer of the action  [Press for large view] A participant of the action Women
The social action Women's Maneuvers - 2005, organized by the Belarusian Club of Driving Tourism with the Minsk City Road Police, took place at the Belarusian Exhibition Center on 19-20 March.
24 March 2005

The protest action in furtherance of political prisoners on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk [Press for large view] The protest action in furtherance of political prisoners on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk [Press for large view] The protest action in furtherance of political prisoners on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk [Press for large view]
The protest action in furtherance of political prisoners on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk [Press for large view] The protest action in furtherance of political prisoners on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk [Press for large view] The protest action in furtherance of political prisoners on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk [Press for large view]
The protest action to support political prisoners was held 18 March on Oktiabrskaya Square in Minsk.
24 March 2005

Showing off the winter in Minsk [Press for large view] Showing off the winter in Minsk [Press for large view] Showing off the winter in Minsk [Press for large view]
Outdoor festivities in Minsk [Press for large view] Outdoor festivities in Minsk [Press for large view] Celebrating the Pancake Week in Minsk [Press for large view]
Celebrating the Pancake Week in Minsk [Press for large view] Outdoor festivities in Minsk [Press for large view] Showing off the winter in Minsk [Press for large view]
Celebrating the Pancake Week in Minsk [Press for large view] Celebrating the Pancake Week in Minsk [Press for large view] Celebrating the Pancake Week in Minsk [Press for large view]
The outdoor festivities of showing off the winter were organized in Minsk, on 13 March.
14 March 2005

Cabaret singer Victor Kalina [Press for large view] Cabaret singer Zheka (Yevgeny Grigoriev) [Press for large view] Zheka (Yevgeny Grigoriev) and Victor Kalina [Press for large view]
Cabaret singer Victor Kalina is answering journalists Victor Kalina gave a concert after the album presentation [Press for large view] Victor Kalina gave a concert after the album presentation [Press for large view]
The press conference on Victor Kalina's new music album "Tricksy Playboy" took place 10 March in the Minsk club Rendezvous.
11 March 2005

The performance of the brigade at the festival of seeing-off the winter and welcoming the spring. [Press for large view] The performance of the brigade at the festival of seeing-off the winter and welcoming the spring. [Press for large view] The Russian folk game “Wall against Wall” [Press for large view]
The Russian folk game “Wall against Wall” [Press for large view] Relay-race [Press for large view] Relay-race [Press for large view]
A tug-of-war [Press for large view] Soldiers were treating the guests with pancakes. [Press for large view] Pillow battles [Press for large view]
While celebrating the festival of seeing-off the winter and welcoming the spring on 6 March, the rapid reaction brigade of the Belarusian interior troops arranged sports activities in Uruchie, a district of the city capital.
9 March 2005

Laying flowers to the monument of the dead police officers. [Press for large view] Belarus Interior Minister Vladimir Naumov is laying a wreath to the monument of the dead police officers. [Press for large view] Laying wreaths to the monument of the dead police officers. [Press for large view]
Laying wreaths to the monument of the dead police officers. [Press for large view] Laying wreaths to the monument of the dead police officers. [Press for large view] On the Police Day, law enforcement officers came to honor the memory of their killed colleagues. [Press for large view]
Laying flowers to the monument of the dead police officers. [Press for large view] On the Police Day, law enforcement officers came to honor the memory of their killed colleagues. [Press for large view] Flowers at the monument to the dead police officers. [Press for large view]
The honored guards. [Press for large view] On the Police Day, law enforcement officers came to honor the memory of their killed colleagues. [Press for large view] Representatives of the Latvian law enforcement agencies attended the official ceremony. [Press for large view]
Belarusian Interior Minister Vladimir Naumov [Press for large view] Belarusian Interior Minister Vladimir Naumov is reading the official address. [Press for large view] Belarusian Interior Minister Vladimir Naumov is answering journalists’ questions. [Press for large view]
The ceremony of laying flowers to the monument of the dead police officers on the bank of the river Svisloch was held in Minsk on 4 March. Belarusian Interior Minister Vladimir Naumov attended the ceremony.
4 March 2005

The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view]
The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view]
The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The protest action of businessmen against paying the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view]
Nearly three hundred people came out on the central city square on 2 March to express their protest against the 18% VAT on the goods imported from Russia.
2 March 2005

The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view]
The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view]
The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] Vice President Andrey Kobiakov answered businessmen’s questions. [Press for large view]
The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view]
The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] The mass rally of businessmen protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia. [Press for large view] Nikolay Statkevich addressed the businessmen. [Press for large view]
The mass rally of businessmen who are protesting against the 18% VAT on goods imported from Russia was held 1 March in Minsk. Over five thousand people came to Oktiabrskaya Square.
2 March 2005

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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