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Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view] Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view] Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view]
Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view] Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view] Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view]
Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view] Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view] Historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest [Press for large view]
The historical and ethnographic festival Loshitsky Fest was held 29 May in Loshitsa Park in Minsk for the tenth time. As usual, the festival attracted knights club from the whole country. The medieval clothes, music, crafts helped to feel the atmosphere of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the medieval Belarusian state.

31 May 2005

General Director of Magic Company Yury Budko, producer of the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont-2005, is presenting the festival face, Belarusian singer Vlada. [Press for large view] Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view] Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view]
Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view] Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view] Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view]
Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view] Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view] Private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont [Press for large view]
The private show of the collections that are chosen for the demonstration at the International Contemporary Art Festival Mamont was staged 28 May at the West World night club.

30 May 2005

Belarus Defense Minister Leonid Maltsev (on the right) and Lieutenant-General Mikhail Kalashnikov (on the left) [Press for large view] Belarus Defense Minister Leonid Maltsev [Press for large view] The performance of the special troops at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view]
The performance of the special troops at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view] The performance of the special troops at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view] The performance of the special troops at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view]
Belarus Defense Minister Leonid Maltsev at the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view] The performance of the cynology center at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view] The performance of the cynology center at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view]
The performance of the cynology center at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view] The performance of the cynology center at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view] The performance of the cynology center at the opening of the 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 [Press for large view]
The 3rd International Exhibition of Armaments and Military Equipment MILEX-2005 opened on 17 May in Minsk. Belarus Defense Minister Leonid Maltsev and Lieutenant-General Mikhail Kalashnikov visited the opening of the exhibition.

18 May 2005

Inscriptions on the pavement of Frantisek Skorina Avenue, 12 May, Minsk. [Press for large view] Inscriptions on the pavement of Frantisek Skorina Avenue, 12 May, Minsk. [Press for large view] Inscriptions on the pavement of Frantisek Skorina Avenue, 12 May, Minsk. [Press for large view]
Inscriptions on the pavement of Frantisek Skorina Avenue, 12 May, Minsk.

13 May 2005

The parade of the Minsk garrison on the 60th anniversary of Great Victory [Press for large view] The parade of the Minsk garrison on the 60th anniversary of Great Victory [Press for large view] The parade of the Minsk garrison on the 60th anniversary of Great Victory [Press for large view]
The parade of the Minsk garrison on the 60th anniversary of Great Victory [Press for large view] Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view] Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view]
Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view] Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view] Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view]
Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view] Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view] Victory Day celebrations in Minsk streets [Press for large view]
Festive activities took place in Minsk streets on 9 May, the 60th anniversary of the Victory in World War II.

11 May 2005

Dmitry Yarota, General Director of the Remark Company, answered journalists Ludmila Shabanova, General Director of the Belarusian Automobile Association, answered journalists The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view]
The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view] The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view] The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view]
The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view] The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view] The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view]
The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view] The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view] The international auto show Motorshow at the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May [Press for large view]
The 5th international auto show Motorshow opened in the Football Manege in Minsk on 3 May.

4 May 2005

Photo: Vitaly Pivovarchyk

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