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Ukraine Becomes Belarus’ Priority Amid Rows With Russia

Ukraine Becomes Belarus’ Priority Amid Rows With Russia
Ukraine is becoming one of Belarus’ foreign priorities because of the recent energy problems with Russia, reads the release of the information and analytical center with the Presidential Administration prepared for the public information day.
The aggravation of relations between Belarus and Russia was caused by Russia’s harsh economic measures against Belarus, the authors believe.
“By violating the Union State economic agreements the Kremlin made it clear that the Russian administration never aimed at integrating with Belarus on the basis of equality, but annexing Belarus. This had a serious negative impact on the union relations with Belarus, the main, if not the only, important military and political partner of Russia in the CIS,” the information material read.
According to analysts with the Presidential Administration, the conflict “showed the unreliability of Russia as an ally and union partner.”
At the same time, Belarus still believes the strengthening of the Union State is an essential strategic goal and foreign political avenue of the two states for the near future. “It requires political will and consistency. The first steps towards the Union State could be the adoption of the Union Constitution Act and elections to the Union parliament,” the press release reads.
The Presidential Administration believes the potential of the Union State has not been exhausted, and its structure can be adjusted to the needs of Belarus and Russia.
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov believes Russia is uninterested in developing a common market of the Common Economic Area (CEA) [a union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine], ITAR-TASS reported on Wednesday.
“The authority that appeared after us, in 2005, has been doing its best to slow down this process,” Azarov told reporters. “Ukraine has dropped out, and Russia has naturally lost interest in the common market. Besides, Russia is getting more interested in market mechanisms, especially in the gas sector.”
Azarov is certain that if it were the other way round Ukraine and Russia would be buying energy at the same price. He said, “unfortunately, there is no getting back to those CEA agreements.”
The agreement on the creation of the common economic area of the four states was signed in Yalta on September 19, 2003. The deal aims at formation of the common market without limitations and reserves, unification of the development and use of technical procedures and standards as well as harmonization of macroeconomic policies and laws of the member-states.
Ukraine suspended its membership after the Orange coalition came to power in 2005.


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