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A Ghetto Excursion For Belarusian Tourists
A Ghetto Excursion For Belarusian Tourists
By Anastasia Yanushevskaya
Belorusskie Novosty
The National Tourism Agency of Belarus has developed a new excursion route called ‘Executed stars. The History of the Minsk Ghetto’. The project is a part of preparations for the Days of Memory dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Minsk Ghetto.
Director of the Research Department at the National Tourism Agency of Belarus Marina Mastashova said to BelaPAN that the excursion is dedicated to the Holocaust during the Nazi’s occupation of Minsk in 1941-1944. The excursion follows the following route: Pobediteley Avenue, Yubileinaya Square, Rakovskaya, Romanovskaya Sloboda, Kalvariyskaya, Sukhaya, Kollektornaya, Melnikaite and Zaslavskaya streets. It was the place where more than 100 thousand Jews were brought together from Minsk, Minsk region, and other cities.
Tourists will be shown some buildings that were silent witnesses of what was happening during the occupation in the ghetto. The excursion also features a former synagogue’s building, a bakery, and apartments that survived the war. Tourists will also see a monument on Yubileinaya Square commemorating the tragedy of the Jewish nation. The excursion finishes at the ‘Yama’ memorial on Melnikaite Street as it was the place where one of the most dreadful massacres for Jews took place. The excursion is two and a half hours long, and tourists go by coach and also have to walk a little.
“The excursion will tell you about the resistance among the ghetto residents, about their battle for human dignity, life, and freedom,” said Marina Mastashova. Tourists will also learn how people in the Belarusian capital tried to help those who managed to escape from the ghetto: there are several dozens of people in Belarus acknowledged as the World’s Righteous.
“Since many tourists coming to Belarus during the past several years have been taking interest in the Holocaust tragedy, the excursion promises to be in demand. It will cultivate the correct understanding of our history, Minsk, and Belarus in occupation,” reckons Marina Mastashova.
The presentation of the new route will take place on 9 April at the 11th Spring Fair of Tourism Services ‘Holidays 2008’.

21 Марта, 2008
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