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Holocaust Monument Unveiled In Minsk

Survivors of Minsk's World War II ghetto, where more than 100,000 Jews were killed, joined a procession Tuesday to mark the 65th anniversary of its destruction. [24–10 16:30]

A Ghetto Excursion For Belarusian Tourists

The National Tourism Agency of Belarus has developed a new excursion route called ‘Executed stars. The History of the Minsk Ghetto’. The project is a part of preparations for the Days of Memory dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Minsk Ghetto.  [21–03 20:47]

Belarusian Actors Exchange Their Triumph For Job Firing

While Free Theatre, an independent Belarusian theatre, was touring Great Britain in February-March 2008, two of its actresses were fired from state-run theatres, reported the Theatre Art Director Nikolay Khalezin to BelaPAN.  [21–03 20:46]

Belarusian Theaters Survive Endless reconstruction

The Belarusian theatre life has been recently characterised with the ‘reconstruction’ notion as the theatre keeps trying to keep in line with the time. Of course, it is a costly business.  [14–03 20:30]

Loved By Western Audience

Tens of talented Belarusian academic musicians are performing around the world today. Some of them have settled in the USA or Western Europe. Musical experts say that “they are able to reach their artistic potential abroad”.  [14–03 20:29]

Napoleon Brought Switzerland And Belarus Together Long Ago

Minsk is celebrating the 16th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Belarus and Switzerland. Despite the fact that bilateral relations can hardly be called active, both sides say they are pleased with cooperation and the way it is progressing.  [15–02 19:40]

Famous Belarusian Artist Schemelev Turns 85 Year Old

On 7 February, the National Arts Museum opened a retrospective exhibition of the Artist’s best pieces dedicated to his anniversary. Unfortunately, Leonid Schemelev was not able to spend his birthday or attend the exhibition with his relatives and friends – a week ago he had to go to Hospital because of a micro-stroke.  [08–02 19:50]

Photo-Exhibition Belarus-Poland

A photo-exhibition Belarus-Poland. 15 Years Closer marking the 15th anniversary of the work of the Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus to Gdansk opened in the library of University of Gdansk on February 5. The exhibition, opened by Consul General of Belarus to Gdansk Ruslan Esin, will last till February 23.  [08–02 19:49]

Mirsky Castle: Restoring Or Destroying?

The Mirsky castle restoration generates many questions among scholars concerned about the way these works are going. The subject was discussed at republican scientific conference “Mirsky Castle. The Restoration Museum Concepts”. [27–07 19:48]

Belarusian Cinema To Follow Moscow’s Example

In trying to decide what modern cinema is about – art or business, the Belarusian government is more inclined to the second opinion.  [20–07 18:12]

Gennady Buravkin Wants Belarusians To Read Authentic Yanka Kupala

Unfortunately Belarusians have not yet read original Yanka Kupala, said Gennady Buravkin in his interview to BelaPAN.  [13–07 17:39]

Editor of Belarusian Weekly Condemns New Spelling Standards

Andrey Dynko, editor-in-chief of the private Belarusian-language weekly Nasha Niva, dismissed as politicized ignorance authorities' intention to enact a law that would impose new uniform spelling and punctuation standards. [13–07 17:36]

Северсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной сталиСеверсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной стали

На Череповецком металлургическом комбинате, одном из  крупнейших заводов …

Белорусы осваивают новые виды бизнесаБелорусы осваивают новые виды бизнеса

В Боровлянах открылась гостиница для собак. Это достаточно новый вид бизнеса …

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