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Belarusian Companies Unlikely To Make IPOs Till 2011

One should not expect IPOs from Belarusian state companies within a year or two, because it would be impossible to have an adequate market value due to the global financial crisis, Lucas Romriell, Global Head of Equities at Galt &Taggart Securities, told reporters on Tuesday. [24–10 16:26]

Belarus Asks IMF for Credit Line as Economy Falters

In spite of Russia’s promise of a $2-billion credit, the Belarusian National Bank has asked the International Monetary Fund for a loan in the same amount. An International Monetary Fund mission is to visit Belarus from October 27 to November 6 to examine the country's request for a credit, the Fund's office in Minsk said on Thursday.  [24–10 16:24]

Russia Remains Main Investor For Belarusian Economy

Russia puts more money into the Belarusian economy than any other country – in 2007 it contributed 33.5% of all foreign investments in the country. This fact was announced to BelTA by Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Martynov.  [21–03 20:45]

Liberalization Of Price Control In Belarus

Belarus has made two significant steps to liberalize price control. The first one was ordinance #694 of the president dated December 30, 2007 exempting companies that enjoy simplified taxation schemes, and individual entrepreneurs that pay the unified tax, from the requirement to meet price index limits and substantiate prices [tariffs, rates] by calculations. [21–03 20:44]

Belarusian Pharmaceutical Companies Losing The Battle

Belarusian manufacturers of medicines cannot keep up with the growing pharmaceutical market in the country and are losing the battle to foreign players. Despite budgetary assignations, local factories don’t have enough capacity to increase exports and produce new items to substitute imports at the same time.  [14–03 20:26]

Belarus Wants To Become Home Country For Cognac

The Belarusian State Food Concern (Belgospischeprom) is going to increase the production of cognac by 2.1 times this year. If it carries on like this, Belarusians will be drinking only local-made cognac in the future.  [14–03 20:25]

Belarus Informs UN About Sanctions Against Belneftekhim

Belarus has sent an official note to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon about the additional restrictive measures imposed by the U.S. on Belarus’ state-run oil and chemistry concern Belneftekhim, the UN News Service said in a statement. [14–03 20:24]

Quarterly Payments Further Simplify Belarus’ Tax Regulations

Presidential ordinance #145 dated March 6, which introduces quarterly payments of the land tax and rent, the real estate tax and environmental tax, is another step towards simpler tax regulations, Viktor Strachuk, Senior Manager of Tax & Legal Services Department of Deloitte in Minsk, said in an interview with Prime-Tass. [14–03 20:24]

Lukashenko Says Belarusian Building Sector Ruined

Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko believes the country’s construction industry has been ruined. The president made the statement during a meeting that addressed the performance of the building sector on Thursday. [29–02 19:57]

Who Will Own Belarusian Railway?

Director of the Belarusian Railway Enterprise Vladimir Zherelo said to journalists that the Enterprise might be transformed into a stock company this year with 100% of shares owned by the state. What stands behind this decision really?  [29–02 19:56]

Entrepreneurs Will Be Checked Starting On 1 March

Large-scale inspections among self-employed entrepreneurs in Belarusian market stalls will be started on 1 March, said lawyer Viacheslav Sivchik at the press conference on 25 February in Minsk.  [29–02 19:45]

News About Mass Layoffs At MAZ Is Provocation

The Minsk Automobile Factory (MAZ) is preparing for large-scale reductions among its staff. The internet site Expertby reported five thousand staff members to be possibly laid off.  [15–02 19:44]

Северсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной сталиСеверсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной стали

На Череповецком металлургическом комбинате, одном из  крупнейших заводов …

Белорусы осваивают новые виды бизнесаБелорусы осваивают новые виды бизнеса

В Боровлянах открылась гостиница для собак. Это достаточно новый вид бизнеса …

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