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14 1 2025
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No Opposition in Council of the Republic

The Council of the Republic of the third convocation had its last sitting in Minsk this week. What are the main results it has achieved and who is going to take over? The first sitting of the new parliament is scheduled for 31 October.  [24–10 16:27]

Lukashenko Attributes Global Crisis To Corruption

Corruption in top echelons in the West is among the key reasons behind the global financial turmoil, President Alexander Lukashenko told the two chambers of parliament on Thursday. [24–10 16:27]

New U.S. Sanctions Won’t Affect Three Belarusian Companies Much

Belarus accused the United States on Friday of harming the interests of ordinary citizens by imposing new sanctions on the ex-Soviet state's industry in a row over human rights. [18–05 21:02]

Belarus Seeks Staff Cuts In U.S. Embassy

Belarus’ diplomatic offices in the U.S. keep providing consular services for U.S. citizens, spokesman for Belarus’ Foreign Ministry Andrey Popov told a news briefing on Thursday. “We have not received official notifications from the U.S. about discontinuation of visa processing in Belarus,” Popov said. [21–03 20:43]

British PR Maestro May Work For Belarus

Advertising and public-relations executive Lord Bell, best known for his advisory role in Margaret Thatcher's three successful UK general election campaigns, has confirmed he has met and is hoping to advise Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. [21–03 20:42]

American Lawyer Emanuel Zeltser Detained In Belarus

Emanuel Zeltser, a Russian-born U.S. citizen who sued the Bank of New York during the height of its Russian money-laundering scandal in the 1990s, was detained last week in Minsk, his brother told Forbes. [21–03 20:41]

Belarus Warns West About Closer Moscow Ties

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko warned the West, which has placed sanctions on the former Soviet state due to its human rights record, that further pressure would push Minsk closer to Russia. [21–03 20:40]

Minsk Willing To Hold Pause In Conflict With Washington

Withstanding from “throwing out” the American Ambassador from Belarus and only persistently recommending  Karen Stewart to leave for Washington for consultations, official Minsk did not take responsibility for escalating the conflict between Belarus and the USA after the specific sanctions against Belarusian Belneftekhim were introduced.  [14–03 20:22]

How Did Minsk React To Karen Stuart’s Departure?

U.S. Ambassador Karen Stuart  left Minsk on 12 March. The Embassy’s official press release said that she went to Washington for short-term consultations.  [14–03 20:21]

ILO Doesn’t Expect Any Progress From Belarus

Belarusian Minister of Labour and Social Defence Vladimir Potupchik is visiting a  session of the Administrative Council of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on 6-20 March in Geneva, to report how the country is trying to fulfil the ILO’s recommendations.  [14–03 20:20]

U.S. Ambassador To Belarus Leaves Post Temporarily

The Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Belarus, Karen Stewart, departed the Embassy at 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 12, en route to Washington. Ambassador Stewart’s absence is temporary, and she remains the U.S. Ambassador to Belarus, the Embassy said in a press statement. [14–03 20:19]

Journalist Zdvizhkov Wants To Emigrate

Alexander Zdvizhkov, the Deputy Editor of Zgoda newspaper that was shut down by the authorities, has announced plans to leave Belarus and change his citizenship. The statement was made on 25 February at the press conference at the Belarusian Journalists Association in Minsk, reports BelaPAN.  [29–02 20:02]

Северсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной сталиСеверсталь выпустила 200 млн.тонн конвертерной стали

На Череповецком металлургическом комбинате, одном из  крупнейших заводов …

Белорусы осваивают новые виды бизнесаБелорусы осваивают новые виды бизнеса

В Боровлянах открылась гостиница для собак. Это достаточно новый вид бизнеса …

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